DES MOINES, IOWA–September 2, 2014–Over the holiday weekend, we became aware of a new danger for Iowa children and teenagers. ?Planned Parenthood’s former?URL, teenwire (dot) com, is now occupied by a pornographer advertising teen escorts, online sex and other bad content.
School districts throughout Iowa and beyond that are?using any sex ed materials with?content from Planned Parenthood or the Guttmacher Institute may still be sending kids to this website. ? Earlier today, we sent a message to every school district regarding this urgent matter. ?Now we desperately need your help! Whether you have children or grandchildren in an Iowa school or you’re a concerned citizen, please contact your local school administrators today. ?Tell them it is imperative that they get these materials out of the hands of our students! ? Our children simply cannot be lured into dangerous situations that they will surely encounter by visiting this website.
Learn more about Planned Parenthood in Iowa Classrooms:?
From our March 2013 IRTL News:?“There is no easier way to prove our point than by?quoting Planned Parenthood’s website directly.?IRTL WARNING: graphic content ahead from?plannedparenthood (dot) org: ?What Is Abstinence??You may have heard people talk about abstinence in different ways. Some people think of abstinence as not having vaginal?intercourse. They may enjoy other kinds of sex play that don’t?lead to pregnancy. This is better described as outercourse.” ?Keep reading on page 6.
Take Our Planned Parenthood Sex Ed Quiz
The Iowa Code allows all parents to opt their children out of Health, as well as Human Growth and Development classes. To opt out, parents simply need to submit a letter to the principal each year for each child-we highly recommend this to protect your children. View and download the?Opt Out Form.
For More Information: Jenifer Bowen, Executive Director, Iowa Right to Life