Voter Guide
Iowa Right to Life sent a survey to all candidates in partisan races for 2024 that are on the ballot for the Primary on June 4, 2024, and General Election on November 5. 2024.
If the candidate returned the questionnaire, it will reference their response to the question with either a yes or no. If it is blank, they did not return our questionnaire.
This is a list of life bills tracked through Legislative Journals and how a legislator voted. Some of the candidates running in the election may not have been in office at the time. If a “yes” is indicated, the vote supports the legislation (and would align with IRTL’s position). A “no” is a vote against the legislation for individual reasons, and “nv” means there is no vote recorded from the legislator on that particular bill.
To find your candidate, follow these steps:
Step 1 – Go to the Iowa Legislature’s Interactive Map to find your Iowa House District (also, you may want to make a note of your US House District).