Saving the unborn, together.
After years of fighting abortion on demand, we are at a turning point! Following a historical election, from the White House to the Iowa Statehouse, you have been given the opportunity to help make more progress than ever before. At this pivotal moment in our nation’s history and with much work left to do, your financial gifts are more important than ever. Let’s roll up our sleeves and keep working until all lives are protected.
Thank You!

"Which fund do I give to?"
Iowa Right to Life General Fund
Gifts to Iowa Right to Life Committee give the greatest flexibility in using funds for legislative and political donations. If you need a tax-deduction, give to Iowa Right to Life Education Fund
Iowa Right to Life Education Fund
Iowa Right to Life Committee Educational Fund is organized as a 501(c)3 organization for Federal income tax purposes, thus you may deduct from your federal income tax the entire amount of your donation.
Another Way to Give to Save Babies Lives
Gifts of stocks and appreciated securities can benefit the Iowa Right to Life Education Fund with needed financial resources and, in some circumstances, provide donors with certain tax advantages. This type of gift allows our organization the financial consistency it needs to continue the educational and charitable work which defends the sanctity of life in Iowa.
To learn more about donating stocks and securities, please contact IRTL at 515-244-1012 for more information.
For further information on donations or to give by phone or mail, please use the following information.
Call Paula or Kristi at: (515) 244-1012
Mail Donations to: 1450 E 33rd St, Des Moines, IA 50317
Email: [email protected]