1. In 2022, the Iowa Supreme Court overturned a previous ruling and decided there is no "fundamental right" to abortion in the Iowa constitution. Additionally, the landmark ruling in the Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court ruling which overturned Roe v. Wade, stated the “the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.” Would you vote against any legislation that would weaken Iowa’s existing pro-life policy? Yes
2. Do you support an act relating to the Iowa Human Life Protection Act (Life at Conception) that would acknowledge all human beings are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, the foremost of which is a right to life, beginning at conception? No
3. If you answered no to question #2, in your opinion, when does “life” begin? When a heartbeat can be detected
4. Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which exceptions, if any, should be included in Iowa legislation which would eliminate abortion, and/or would gain your support? Life of the mother, Incest, Rape
5. Do you oppose using public revenues for abortion or funding organizations which advocate it? Yes
6. Do you believe that a pregnant girl under 18 should be required to have permission from at least one parent or legal guardian before getting an abortion, except in medical emergencies? Yes
7. Do you believe the selling, brokering, or marketing of aborted fetal tissue should be illegal? No Answer
8. Would you vote for chemical abortion legislation which would restrict its use, require the collection of data (specifically complications that arise from chemical abortion), or would increase safeguards for women? No Answer
9. Would you support legislation requiring regulation of abortion clinics in Iowa, so they are held to the standard that other medical clinics are required to meet? Yes
10. Would you vote for legislation that would protect pregnancy resource centers, including protection from violence, and to help direct state funds to allow mothers the support they need to choose life? Yes
11. Do you support legislation that would exclude an organization from entering public schools for the purpose of providing sex education that uses abortion related products, videos, or printed material to promote abortion? Yes
12. Would you support the integration of the science of fetal development as a part of the school curriculum? Yes
13. Do you oppose legislation that would legalize the withholding or withdrawal of care or treatment, including food and water, from people with disabilities, including newborns, and the elderly and infirmed? No Answer
14. Do you oppose legislation that would promote euthanasia and assisted suicide? No Answer
15. Would you consider sponsoring legislation related to a Fetal Homicide Bill or Patient Bill of Rights? No Answer
Remarks: Question 4 (Exception to Fetal Abnormality): Not sure.
Question 7: Not sure if can be medically helpful.
Question 8: Not sure.
Question 13, 14, and 15: Need more information.