Bobby Kaufmann

Voter Guide Disclaimer

If the candidate returned the questionnaire, it will reference their response to the question with either a yes or no.  If it is blank, they did not return our questionnaire.

This is a list of life bills tracked through Legislative Journals and how a legislator voted.  Some of the candidates running in the election may not have been in office at the time.  If a “yes” is indicated, the vote supports the legislation (and would align with IRTL’s position).  A “no” is a vote against the legislation for individual reasons, and “nv” means there is no vote recorded from the legislator on that particular bill.     

If it is a Federal level candidate, you may search voting records by going to | Library of Congress and searching key words, locating the bill, and then narrowing down your criteria to see how a candidate voted.  You can also identify key Federal legislation by using the National Right to Life web site: Key Legislation | Scorecards

Office Iowa House
District 82
Party: Republican

Survey Questions

Survey Response Not Provided by Candidate

Iowa Voting Record

2017-2018 (87th)

HF 2405 Wrongful Birth Yes
SF 359 Fetal Tissue & Heartbeat Yes
SF 471 72-Hour Wait Yes
SF 2281 - Heartbeat NV

2019-2020 (88th)

HF 594 - Limitations regarding withdrawal of life-sustaining procedure from minor child. Yes
SF 523 Nonconsensual Termination NV
SJR 2001 Protect Life Amendment NV

2021-2022 (89th)

HF 2372 Nonconsensual Termination Yes
HJR 5 Protect Life Amendment Yes
SF 577 - Nonviable Birth Certificate Yes

2023-2024 (90th)

HF 570 - Assault on Pregnant Person Yes
HF 2276 - Maternity Group Homes Zoning Yes
HF 2575 - Nonconsensual Death of Unborn Person Yes
HF 2617 - Fetal Development Curriculum Yes
SF 2252 - More Options for Maternal Support Yes

For more information about Iowa Legislation, use the link that follows for more research opportunities.