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Why We Exist

With over 65 million babies aborted since 1973, something has to change. Iowa Right to Life is proud to lead the fight to protect Iowa’s most vulnerable populations. Change takes time and many different approaches. We’re ready to do whatever it takes to turn Iowa pro-life.

Iowa Right to Life has been on the front lines for decades, working to educate thousands of Iowans and promote the value of human life. Through grassroots activities, political lobbying, educational efforts, and public awareness programs, we are working to help change the existing culture to embrace a culture of life. Throughout the nation, and certainly, here in Iowa, there is a new energy from the increasing numbers of young adults and teens active in the movement.

Our vision is to bring unity within the Pro-Life community by supporting the unborn and their families in a way that changes hearts and saves lives. We are proud to be a founding member of the Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders here in Iowa. No one organization can work in isolation and see progress. The coalition is doing amazing things to further the pro-life movement in the State.

To learn more, click the button below to visit the Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders. 

Our work is far from over and we are thankful for the abundance of pro-life Iowans in our state. It is our goal to provide you with insight and background so you feel equipped and ready for the call to come alongside us as we defend life. There are many exciting ways for you to get involved and donate your time, talents, and resources to the cause of life.

Why We Exist

With over 65 million babies aborted since 1973, something has to change. Iowa Right to Life is proud to lead the fight to protect Iowa’s most vulnerable populations. Change takes time and many different approaches. We’re ready to do whatever it takes to turn Iowa pro-life.

Iowa Right to Life has been on the front lines for decades, working to educate thousands of Iowans and promote the value of human life. Through grassroots activities, political lobbying, educational efforts, and public awareness programs, we are working to help change the existing culture to embrace a culture of life. Throughout the nation, and certainly, here in Iowa, there is a new energy from the increasing numbers of young adults and teens active in the movement.

Our vision is to bring unity within the Pro-Life community by supporting the unborn and their families in a way that changes hearts and saves lives. We are proud to be a founding member of the Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders here in Iowa. No one organization can work in isolation and see progress. The coalition is doing amazing things to further the pro-life movement in the State.

To learn more, click the button below to visit the Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders. 

Our work is far from over and we are thankful for the abundance of pro-life Iowans in our state. It is our goal to provide you with insight and background so you feel equipped and ready for the call to come alongside us as we defend life. There are many exciting ways for you to get involved and donate your time, talents, and resources to the cause of life.

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Our Mission

The mission of Iowa Right to Life is to help change hearts and minds about the sanctity of life.

  • We are committed to fostering and promoting public support for responsible life-affirming alternatives to abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.
  • We want to ensure Iowans see IRTL as a resource so they can become knowledgeable about:
    • Fetal development.
    • Helpful alternatives to abortion that encompass support for both moms and their babies.
    • Aware of available options to assist loved ones while planning a natural approach to end-of-life care.
  • We are committed to lawful activity including educational, legislative, advocacy, and political action.
  • To collaborate with the Iowa Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders and our pro-life elected leaders, to influence statutes and laws which will esteem life.

Our Mission

The mission of Iowa Right to Life is to help change hearts and minds about the sanctity of life.

  • We are committed to fostering and promoting public support for responsible life-affirming alternatives to abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.
  • We want to ensure Iowans see IRTL as a resource so they can become knowledgeable about:
    • Fetal development.
    • Helpful alternatives to abortion that encompass support for both moms and their babies.
    • Aware of available options to assist loved ones while planning a natural approach to end-of-life care.
  • We are committed to lawful activity including educational, legislative, advocacy, and political action.
  • To collaborate with the Iowa Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders and our pro-life elected leaders, to influence statutes and laws which will esteem life.

Positively Impacting Iowa with Our Advocacy


Approximate number of responses to our pro-life question during the 2023 and 2024 Iowa State Fair. The number of Iowans we visit with but are not included in this count equates to thousands more.


The approximate number of days between 2021 and 2024 that IRTL has prayed for an end to abortion outside of abortion clinics. The time spent increases our opportunity for sidewalk counseling and our capacity to reach people with a message of compassion and support.



An approximate number of Planned Parenthood clinics have closed in Iowa over the last 13 years because of our collaborative participation in 40 Days for Life campaigns each year.


The approximate number of bills IRTL lobbied for or against during the 89th, 90th, and 91st legislative sessions. We focus our lobbying efforts on legislation directly impacting pro-life issues. Our committment to advocating for the sanctity of life in all relevant legislative matters remains strong.

Why Being Pro-Life  Matters